Reynolds Jet Management once again passed, with flying colors, the rigorous ARGUS Platinum and IS-BAO…
Reynolds Jet Management is please to announce the first annual Cincinnati Business Aviation Symposium (CBAS2014).…
Reynolds Jet adds Learjet 40XR to Growing Private Jet Managed Fleet Reynolds Jet Management, a…
Reynolds Jet flights are operated under Midwest Jet Management LLC certificate YWJA840K (dba Reynolds Jet), or arranged with other direct air carriers licensed to operate under Part 135 as registered with the U.S. Department of Transportation, that exercise full operational control of charter flights at all times. Those flights that are not operated under the Midwest Jet Management LLC certificate will be operated by FAR Part 135 direct air carriers that have been certified to provide service for Reynolds Jet clients and that meet all FAA safety standards and additional safety standards established by Reynolds Jet.
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